Saturday, August 31, 2019

Health Foods on Campus

Introduction According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), â€Å"more than one-third of U. S. adults (35. 7%) are obese. Approximately 17% of children and adolescents ages 2-19 years are obese. † The state of Iowa ranks above the national average at 28. 4%, leaving the responsibility of changing this epidemic to local communities. According to the Mayo Clinic Women’s HealthSource August 2010 issue, â€Å"the soda demand is so great there is enough to supply [everyone] with more than 52 gallons of soda a year. The rate of soda and junk food consumption has greatly increased throughout the United States; the Iowa State Campus is not an exception. Purpose and Scope As students as Iowa State, we are best fit to research how to change the lifestyles of our peers. In order to decrease the obesity epidemic, we are proposing to assist in changing someone’s routine diet by replacing the vending machine snack options. The existing vending machines have little variety or choice of healthy foods. Furthermore, most beverage-centered vending machines only have water as a choice as a healthy alternative.Giving students the selection of healthy foods will not only lower their risk of obesity during their stay at Iowa State, but it will provide students with the tools to make healthy choices about food once they are away from ISU. Methods Our analysis will be derived from three levels; macro-level, meso-level, and micro-level. These different depths of scope will provide us with the most well rounded view of the obesity epidemic, as well as which methods of fixing the problem proves to be most effective.Macro-level analysis will stem from a complete description of the United State’s relationship with obesity, food consumption, and activity levels. From there, research specifically relating to the ISU community will be acquired through sample surveys and an interview with ISU’s Peggy Martin, Director of Expanded Food and Nu trition Education Program. The first step would be to poll 150 students or more regarding how they want the university to overcome obesity. If our hypothesis reigns true, we will determine that replacing vending machine snacks with healthier ones will be the most efficient method.The focus audience will be Mayor Ann Campbell, since she has the power to pass this proposal on to the city council or discard it. If she passes it on, the primary audience will be the city council members, since they are the ones who voice their opinions and affect the final vote of the citizens of Ames, who are the secondary audience. Other concerned audiences include the citizens of nearby cities or people who visit Ames, as well as any other communities considering a similar proposal. Risks of Junk Food and Soda ConsumptionJunk food is described as any food that contains little or no nutritional value. Outside of the lack of nutritional value junk food has many negative effects as well. Studies show lin ks to obesity, type II diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. The United States is one of the unhealthiest nations in the world, consuming more fast food than any other nation per capita. The rise of childhood obesity is on the brink of being an epidemic, showing that the United States’ own culture has come to include junk food.Many people get their eating habits from their families growing up, even those who eat healthy as a children now are at risk for developing unhealthy habits when they move away to college, given that for the first time they are forced to make food-related decisions on their own, with little to no education on health. Students may also feel that they are too busy to plan out healthy meals; looking for quick and easy meals found at many convenient locations on campus. Students turn to soda for the caffeine for energy and fast food for sustenance.The lack of available healthy options and the accessibility of junk food on and around campus is a major ca use for concern. Obesity and Diabetes Obesity is defined as a body mass index greater or equal to 30 (CDC). In 2009-2010 35. 7% of U. S. adults were classified as obese that is 78 million people. These numbers are a dramatic increase from over a few decades ago. Obesity is a life threatening condition that has many negative side effects. Hypertension, adverse lipid concentrations and type two diabetes are some of the major problematic conditions that come with being obese.The state of Iowa has one of the largest populations of obese people in the nation (Table 1. 1). Table 1. 1 As one can see, obesity is a major concern in the United States. This is due to the U. S. ’s unhealthy obsession with junk food and soda. Poor diet often leads to obesity in children and adults. Along with obesity, poor diet also can lead to type II diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that leads to high levels of glucose in the blood stream. Diabetes can lead to all sorts of problems to name a f ew kidney disease, blindness, amputations and death (CDC).Over 25 million people are suffering from diabetes in the U. S. There is much to be concerned about with obesity and diabetes being so widespread. The main cause of this is unhealthy diet. A large portion of the average American’s unhealthy diet is soda pop. Even diet soda has negative health effects. Dangers of Soda Pop Soda pop is an American staple. It goes great with other American classics such as hotdogs and hamburgers. Unfortunately children are drinking it in excess and developing bad habits that will follow them for the rest of their lives.In fact studies show that 16% of the average American’s caloric intake in a day comes from sugary beverages (WebMD). Heavy soda consumption can lead to rapid weight gain and studies also show connections to osteoporosis and certain types of cancers. But regardless of the negative effects and the doctors warnings people continue to buy and drink soda more than ever. Co ca-Cola reported record numbers in the past few years. Soda is a part of people’s daily routines. Many people do not think twice about grabbing a soft-drink when thirsty or in need of some energy.College students drink enormous quantities of soda, they use it as study aids because of the caffeine content or grab one because they are thirsty. In many cases it is the easiest option. Vending machines located throughout campus in every corner of every building. But other than the obvious health effects mentioned above, in which soda is a leading cause of, what other negatives are happening to college students due to soda and other unhealthy dietary habits? Student Performance and Unhealthy Diet Students are busy creatures.They have a lot on their plate with school work and those who hold jobs as well can feel downright overwhelmed. What do these students do to survive the hectic lifestyle they lead? The answer is fast food, junk food and soda pop, and anything quick and easy to g rab on the go. There is no shortage of these options on and around college campuses across the U. S. and at Iowa State. The quicker and easier the food the worse it usually is for you. Most students do not take that into consideration, they are young and in good health.The fact is even if these bad habits do not catch up with you right away, there are plenty of dangers waiting around the corner in the future. Most students are probably not aware of the effects that their diet is having on them now. Poor diet not only leads to life threatening diseases but can have a number of psychological effects on a person. Depression can form from unhealthy diets, as students feel bad about their bodies and even chemical reactions from sugars and other ingredients in junk food can lead to depression like states.Studies have also been conducted in the past regarding the effects of junk food and soda on memory and links have been made that show a person who regularly eats fast food and drinks soda has lower memory and comprehension. A health student is a happy student is a successful student. Benefits of Healthy Snacks The term â€Å"snack† has gained a definition similar to â€Å"junk food† over recent years. According to Nutrition. com’s Snack Attacks article, the idea that snacks are fattening is a myth, as well as the idea that snacking is the same as eating junk food. The article states that by eating snacks during a ong stretch of time between meals will eliminate any overeating during a meal, as long as these snacks are healthy alternatives. Since blood sugar drops three to five hours after a meal, occasional snacks boosts metabolism, according to Everyday Health’s article Healthy Snacking Benefits. Being hungry puts one’s body into starvation mode and will slow down metabolic processes, which causes the body to store fat. The article Healthy Snacking Benefits also discusses this when explaining that snacks high in nutrients, fiber, and protein, and not so high in fat will kickstart the body’s metabolism and can curb cravings.Snacking should also be thought of as fuel, and constant replenishment of this fuel prevents one from becoming overly tired and â€Å"unable to concentrate. † (Healthy Snacking Benefits) Healthy snacks give the body an extra energy boost and keeps a person more mentally alert and focused. Nurition. com discusses a similar topic and explains that the idea that â€Å"snacks spoil your appetite for meals† (Snack Attacks) is a myth. In fact, snacking two or three hours before a full meal may simply restrict the body from becoming extremely hungry and causing one to overeat.However, fattening snacks such as potato chips, chocolates, sweets, etc. will increase overall caloric intake if not considered into daily intake as a whole. Healthy snacks do not typically cause these problems. Growing children, athletes, teenagers, and adults all have varying needs when it comes to die tary needs. All athletes needs more energy than the average person, therefore allowing them to need energy â€Å"in the form of carbohydrates, whereas teenagers need higher energy snacks and nutrients for their continually growing bodies, and while adults need to only maintain their health should eat more frequent, smaller snacks. Snack Attacks) Fruits, low-fat dairy products, grains, and vegetables are snacks that may boost energy and â€Å"battle fatigue,† as well as â€Å"protein-laden food like fish, meat, eggs, cheese, and tofu† because these contain amino acids which increase concentration. (Healthy Snacking Benefits) According to abc. com, raisins, soy products, walnuts, avocado, and high-fiber foods are the top 5 heart-healthy snacks. â€Å"[At the American College of Cardiology’s annual meeting], researchers presented results of separate studies that evaluated the effects of raisins and soy on blood pressure. The studies found that oth foods lowered b lood pressure when consumed regularly. † (Top 5 Heart-Healthy Snacks) The researchers believe that the potassium intake from the raisins cause the decrease, while genistein, found in soy products increased dilation of the blood vessels, which led to a decrease in blood pressure. Walnuts contain â€Å"healthier monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats† and these reduced low density lipids and increase high density lipids. They also have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and walnuts have twice as many antioxidants as any other nut. Avocados are packed full with vitamins, fiber, and potassium – 60% more than bananas.Any high fiber foods help to â€Å"cleanse the digestive tract of potentially dangerous fats. † These foods may include oats, beans, fruits, vegetables, and grains. (Top 5 Heart-Healthy Snacks) Healthy snacks such as these have been studied and found to reduce many types of diseases and disorders. Joint diseases, ADHD, schizophrenia, and many oth er diseases may be prevented through snacking on these healthy foods. (Healthy Snacking Benefits) Health and the Iowa State Community Our entire report and analysis has been conducted under the assumption that Iowa State University is a community afflicted by the pains of obesity and unhealthy eating.To insure that combatting obesity would be both well received and relevant to Iowa State students and community, our team distributed a 7-question survey, prompting students to give us their true feelings on obesity’s affect on the community, what solutions they would find most effective, and if our goal of changing the vending machine products would cause any negative response. The short survey provides our group with much needed approval and validation from the community. If we had come to find that students would reject the proposed plan of action, steps could be made to resolve the issue and stay on course.More so, if students had found obesity to be an irrelevant issue, our group would be hard-pressed to find funds for a problem that wasn’t seen to exist. Luckily, obesity is not out of the field of vision for the Iowa State community. When asked, â€Å"How much do you agree with the following statement, â€Å"Obesity is the biggest problem in the Iowa State University community†? 68% of respondents answered that they at least somewhat agreed (Table 2. 1). Table 2. 1 Without this approval from the community, efforts to change obesity trends would be wasted.However, provided this overwhelming concern, it is now inherent that we offer the community a solid plan of action, that will produce real results, with little concern over life changes. One vital factor in our quest to make the ISU community healthier is the maintenance of one’s usual daily life. Abrupt changes can often bring depression and fear, and with a task as grand and as fragile as weight loss and health, we must tread lightly. Choosing a medium from which we would provi de healthier food options is a difficult task, and so we must account for accessibility, frequency of use, and potential for change.Iowa State University has made grand changes to it’s on-campus dining centers, but what about members of the community who do not have dining plans? Where do they buy the quickest, and often the most unhealthy, snacks? Vending machines. When over 150 students were asked, â€Å"How often do you purchase food items from vending machines located on campus? † The overwhelming majority responded that they only purchased snacks from the vending machines on campus a few times a month or year (Table 2. 2). Table 2. 2Although targeting vending machines may not initially reach the greatest population of students or community members, changing the contents of the vending machines will prove to be worthwhile. When survey participants were told of the proposed method of changing obesity trends at ISU by replacing current vending machine items with heal thier options, potential vending machine use increased (Table 2. 3). Table 2. 3 Clearly, Iowa State community members approve of the proposed method, not only as beneficial for the community as a whole, but our solution remains as one that everyone would take part in; overweight or not.Approval from the community is especially important, however it does not prove to be an authoritative reason for replacing the current vending machine items. To acquire the approval of funds from the GSB and Ames community, it is imperative that an expert weighs in on how to best alleviate the impact of obesity at Iowa State University. In an interview with ISU’s Director of Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, and author of â€Å"Eat Simpler, Healthier with New Healthy & Homemade† cookbook, Peggy Martin states that, â€Å"making healthy choices takes planning. Within a world of homework, projects, exams, and extracurricular activities, what ISU student has time to plan? Repla cing unhealthy snack option in the vending machines on ISU campus will cut the hassle of planning out each meal. ISU community members will no longer leave their apartments worrying about finding healthy food because it will be more accessible, available in each building, wherever a vending machine is located. Registered dietician Martin also provided our team with concrete example of healthy foods that can be sold in vending machines.Implementing our solution as soon as possible is key, as Martin says, â€Å"eliminating temptation in today’s sugar-ridden environment will prove difficult, but worthwhile. † Meso-level analysis of ISU community members through survey, and micro-level analysis of individual nutrition through interviewing Peggy Martin provides our team with necessary information needed to be successful on Iowa State campus. With the revamping of vending machine products ISU community members will be more likely to purchase vending machine snacks; increasin g profit, health, and awareness.Conclusions and Recommendations 1. Implementation of vending machines One solution to the obesity problem that ISU students face on campus is to change and regulate the university’s vending machines. The existing vending machines in use have little to no variety or choice of healthy foods. Most beverage type vending machines only have water as a choice as a healthy alternative. With giving students the selection of health foods, it will lower their risk of obesity during their stay at Iowa State.According to an article by the journal of adolescent health â€Å"contents of school vending machines relate to diets either positively or negatively, depending on what is sold in them. Therefore, it is important that schools address the quality of food sold in vending machines in their wellness policies† (Rovner 18). This means that the healthier foods in vending machines relate positively to diets and junk food relates negatively. By putting in only the vending machines with healthy food on our campus we will see a positive correlation with the students’ diets. . Variety of foods to see what sells best Before replacing over 100 vending machines on campus we want to make sure the products are going to make revenues for the college. We can test out different types of products that will be available by replacing current vending machines in popular locations like the C-Stores and providing samples of the alternative products. By doing this we can get an idea of what is popular among the students. After we find out what products sell best, we can put them into our vending machines. 3. Wellness programsBecause of the tax on the junk foods, we will be able to create other wellness programs to help students having obesity or health related issues. Some programs may consist of having a free health screenings to show the negatives of unhealthy eating and giving recommendations on new healthy lifestyles. We can give health ti ps and guides for people who want to change their eating habits. These programs will mainly be funded by taxing the junk foods that are sold on campus. 4. Cost of healthy foods subsidized by taxing junk food Healthy food is not relatively expensive, but some foods have a short shelf life.The costs of replenishing these items in the vending machines are going to be slightly high because of human capital cost, having someone go and replace the vending machines routinely, and waste cost because of the foods’ expiration date. There are those processed healthy foods that cost more than normal ones because of the process to keep the nutrients in them cost more. To subsidize these costs, we can put an extra charge or tax on to the existing junk foods. It is not economical for Iowa State to get rid of all junk food that people do want; by giving it a tax we can level the cost of buy and replacing the healthy ones.This will give students an incentive to choose the healthy foods becaus e of the cheaper cost and may change the students eating habits. References â€Å"Healthy Snacking Benefits. † EverydayHealth. com. Web. 18 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Nutrition. com. sg – Healthy Eating – Snack Attacks. † Object Moved. Web. 18 Apr. 2012. . CAROLLO, KIM. â€Å"Top 5 Heart-Healthy Snacks. † ABC News. ABC News Network, 26 Mar. 2012. Web. 28 Apr. 2012. lt;http://abcnews. go. com/Health/top-heart-healthy-snacks/story? id=15996098>. â€Å"2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet. † Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 23 May 2011. Web. 25 Apr. 2012. . Boyles, Salynn. â€Å"Sodas and Your Health: Risks Debated. † WebMD. WebMD, 09 Mar. 2011. Web. 25 Apr. 2012. . Ogden, Cynthia L. , Margaret D. Carroll, Brian K. Kit, and Katherine M. Flegal. â€Å"Prevalence of Obesity in the United States. † Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Jan. 2 012. Web. 25 Apr. 2012. . Pelch, Anna. â€Å"The Health Effects of Soda Consumption. † Home. St. Joseph's Academy. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. ;http://scijourner. org/;. Rovner, Alisha J. , Tonja R. Nansel, Jing Wang, and Ronald J. Iannotti. â€Å"Food Sold in School Vending Machines Is Associated With Overall Student Dietary Intake. † Journal of Adolescent Health 48. 1 (2011): 13-19. Science Direct. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. Interview with Peggy Martin Survey (Appendix) Appendix I Survey: The Iowa State Community and HealthParticipant, Thank you for choosing to participate in this short survey. With your help, you can aid our efforts to convert Iowa State University campus to one that promotes healthy food choices. All information obtained is anonymous and will only be used for an English 302 class project. All survey questions are optional and you may stop your completion of the survey at any time. Thank you for your contribution! How much do you agree with the following statement, â€Å"Obesity greatly affects the population of the United States†? A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. Disagree E.Strongly Disagree How much do you agree with the following statement, â€Å"Obesity is a problem in the Iowa State University community†? A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. Disagree E. Strongly Disagree How often do you purchase food items from vending machines located on campus? A. More than 3 times a week B. Once or twice a week C. A few times a month D. A few times a year E. Never How much do you agree with the following statement, â€Å"The items currently available for purchase on the ISU campus do not reflect the purchases I would prefer to make†? A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C.Neutral D. Disagree E. Strongly Disagree If the vending machines on ISU campus had healthier options you would be: A. More likely to purchase items from the vending machines B. Equally as likely to purchase items from the vending machines C. Less likely to purc hase items from the vending machines D. I do not use the vending machines on ISU campus How much do you agree with following statement, â€Å"Iowa State University is responsible for providing the community with healthier food options on campus†? A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. Disagree E. Strongly Disagree

Friday, August 30, 2019

Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Essay

1. Cad-Mex has a moral obligation to its publics to act as a responsible citizen. Corporate social responsibility demands that the company looks into the welfare of the communities in which it operates. At the same time the stakeholders of Cad-Mex demand that the company be managed prudently and generate a return on their investments. A price reduction in the face of an epidemic appears to be the best course of action that the company takes. By insisting that local companies can make generic versions of the drug, the government is in further breach of the contract signed by both parties. Suing the government for its actions may lead to expensive litigation costs and cancelling of the contract. Agreeing to work with the government under the new rules will endear the authorities to the company and improve chances of future business. In both cases the ethical issues weigh heavily in the decision making process as the company does not want to lose the investments already made and at the same time it wants to avoid further losses. See more: Defining research problem and setting objectives Essay 2. After agreeing to report for work on some Sundays during the year, one of the managers turned around and claimed that his faith could not allow him to. He insisted that he must attend church and was entitled to one day off per week. His decision was bound to cause dissension as other manages had sacrificed their Sundays to work for the company; most of them were also regular church goers. In trying to settle the matter amicably it is important the core values of the company should be observed. The company wants to be recognized as a fair employer that appreciates the vital role that cultural diversity plays in the workplace but at the same time needs employees to honor their agreements and give their best efforts to the successful implementation of the company’s goals. Teamwork is a crucial aspect in work situations and because one manager has reversed his decision to work without considering the backlash it may precipitate, it will be in the company’s best interests to relieve him of his duties. The raison d’Ã ªtre will be his failure to be part of the team and not his religious obligations to go to church.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Essay Example for Free (#2)

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Essay Americans who have always looked westward when reading about this period should read this book facing eastward†. Despite the popularity of the eyewitness accounts, Brown is not an absentee narrator. In the book Brown emphasizes two main points, the language he uses and the storyline of the book. He uses these two things to give the eyewitness accounts as much impact as possible. In the process, he attempts to defile his enemy in all kinds of different manners: The way Brown makes his readers; view eastward is by using the faults that have plagued the Native Americans. Brown’s way of emphasizes language allows the readers to connect to the Native Americans and this allows the book to thrive and continue. This book differs from a lot of other books about Native Americans, because he uses many Native American interpretations. For example, the Sioux and Cheyenne’s frequently see trains pass through their land in the Powder River country. Says Brown: ‘‘Sometimes they saw Iron Horses dragging wooden houses on wheels at great speed along the tracks . They were puzzled over what could be inside the houses. ’’ Brown uses the terms ‘‘Iron Horses’’ and ‘‘wooden houses’’ to describe trains and train cars, as a Native American at this time would have perceived them. Brown also uses the Native American designations for U. S. military ranks in his descriptions. For example, to a Native American at this time, a general was known as a â€Å"Star Chief† and a colonel was an â€Å"Eagle Chief†. In addition, Brown refers to prominent American historical figures by their Native American names. For example, many Native Americans called General George Armstrong Custer ‘‘Hard Backsides,† â€Å"because he chased them over long distances for many hours without leaving his saddle †. Brown also uses Native American naming systems for natural processes like time. Because Americans during this time divide the year into twelve months and refer to these months by names like May and June, however, Native Americans referred to these time periods by their relationship to nature. So, in Brown’s book, May is â€Å"the Moon When the Ponies Shed† and June is â€Å"the Strawberry Moon†. By using distinctly Native American interpretations like these in his narration, Brown takes his readers deep into the Native American experience. In the process, the reader begins to identify with the Native Americans. When readers identify with characters, they tend to feel sympathy for them. Through Dee Browns thesis, Brown organizes his story to maximize his readers’ sympathetic emotions. Brown establishes a three? part structure for most chapters, which demonstrates again and again that Native Americans lost no matter what they did. Francis Paul Prucha for examples states that â€Å"The materials have been selected to make the authors point, not to present a balanced view of what happened, from the Native American standpoint or from any other†. Typically, the chapter begins with a discussion of a chief or tribe who has lost something, generally a piece of their land and still has more to lose. For example, in the beginning of the second chapter, Brown notes: â€Å"As the result of two deceptive treaties, the woodland Sioux surrendered nine? tenths of their land and were crowded into a narrow strip of territory along the Minnesota River†. Following the discussion of what has been already lost; Brown introduces the second part, the struggle. For Native Americans in the nineteenth century, the struggles were many, whether they decided to go to war or did not. Many tribes in the book do choose to fight to retain their remaining land and freedom. In most cases, the tribes win some battles but end up losing the war. The U. S. soldiers are too advanced and numerous to be defeated, something that the Native Americans begin to realize. For example, Little Crow is cautious about fighting at first, because he had been to the East and seen the power of the Americans. They were everywhere and with cannons they would destroy everything in their path. Even when the Native Americans outnumber the whites, the military technology can be the decisive factor in the victory. As many Native Americans learned, even though they had bravery, numbers, and massive charges all of that would mean nothing if the Native Americans were armed only with bows, lances, and clubs. In cases where the Native Americans try to remain peaceful, Brown shows many ways that they are provoked into war. In several cases, settlers or miners hungry for the Native Americans’ remaining land spread lies in an effort to get the government to take their land. During the Civil War, Native Americans were sometimes provoked into fighting because it was the safer of two options for white, male citizens. For example, Brown says there was political pressure on soldiers from Coloradans who wanted to avoid the military draft of 1864 by serving in uniform against a few poorly armed Indians rather than against the Confederates farther east. Even after the Civil War, when the draft was no longer an issue, some drafted soldiers used lies to provoke Native Americans and kill them because peace was not profitable for the settlers. The final part of Brown’s argument in most chapters is the ending. Due to the massive struggles that Native Americans faced whether or not they chose to remain peaceful, most chapters end badly. The chiefs, who are often depicted as strong in the beginning and middle of the chapters when they are fighting for their land and people, end up dead, in prison, in exile, or on a reservation with the rest of their people. Even the exceptions to this rule, such as the chapter depicting Red Cloud’s successful war, ultimately end negatively. Red Cloud’s story is an example of the overall structure of the book. The book starts out with many Native Americans living free and retaining parcels of their land. As the story progresses and the white emigration start to take over, large armies and groups of white settlers cut down the various tribes. By the end of the book, the effect of white emigration has impacted around so much of the country that most Native Americans are dead, in prison, or on scattered reservations. To conclude I felt the effect on the reader is profound. Brown has gotten his readers to root for the underdogs by using eyewitness accounts and language to draw readers into the Native American experience. Yet, in each chapter Brown steadily crushes any hope that the reader might have for the Native Americans winning much of anything by using his plot. By using these strategies, Brown makes his readers feel more into the book by trying to make them sympathize to the Natives. Brown’s tone, or attitude towards his subject matter, is one of barely restrained outrage, and he wants readers to get angry, too. Tom Phillips, another reviewer states, â€Å"Brown has gone too far at some points and is guilty of the same faults as those who created the raditional image of the Native American as savage, alcoholic and expendable†. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. (2018, Oct 19).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Care Delivery Essay

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Care Delivery - Essay Example Thirdly, an inevitable result to the mistake of the cardiologist, the nurse carried out an unsupervised procedure without the consent of the doctor in charge. This was indeed a desperate attempt to prevent the further progression of the patient’s worsening condition. Fourthly, the nurse failed to inform the cardiologist of the emergency measure as well as other oncoming staff about the state of the discontinued IV site which showed signs of discoloration and swelling. In this picture, several laws are applicable. To begin with, while handling a patient in a critical condition it should be the utmost priority of the staff to be vigilant while shifting a patient’s location. The hospital is responsible for the improper care taken while changing beds. Next, the cardiologist was unresponsive to the nurse’s messages, leading to negligence which is unacceptable in health care ethics. Furthermore, the nurse is at great fault in failing to informing other medical staff about the patient’s condition and not documenting the finding after inspection of the site where IV had been inserted (â€Å"Standard Nursing,† 2009). So inferring from these consequences, the cardiologist and the nurse, both are liable for the patient’s death. The nurse and physician were unable to meet the principles of standard health care provision. Carelessness of the physician and the nurse lead to a series of events which ultimately resulted in death of the patient. When a physician is assigned to a patient, it is the utmost priority of the physician to take proper care of the patient over his self-interest and monitor his patient’s condition periodically (Lo, 2009). In this case, the physician instead of responding to the emergency calls of the nurse simply ignored them, although she knew that the hospital policy clearly forbids the nurses from carrying out insertion of IV’s in feet and legs.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Org behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Org behavior - Assignment Example If organizations need to create a differentiating factor and gain a competitive advantage against its competitors, then organizations need to adopt the broad view. Adoption of this method of conducting CSR activities will aid the organization in exploring opportunities of doing business which can not be uncovered by implementing the narrow view. Businesses do not perform alone; they have to give equal importance to external constituencies such as the society and government. By adopting the broad view organizations realize the importance of its dependence on the society to gain a competitive advantage. Organizations that fail to realize the connection between the business and the society fail to stay longer in business and all their efforts of becoming a socially responsible organization ends up in vain. Today the market is full of homogeneous businesses and marketers are experiencing difficult in differentiating their products from the products of the competitors. Under such circumst ances, the adoption of large scale corporate social responsibility activities can help organizations differentiate themselves from their competitors. Organizations that adopt a functional structure are structured in a way so that the organization is divided into different groups or departments and these departments work together to produce goods and services offered by the organization (Hitt, 2005, p.327). These departments are controlled and monitored by head of the organization even recognized as the Chief operating officer who is responsible for making essential decisions and then he coveys these decisions to the lower level staff to operate the organization. This structure is mostly followed by those organizations that work on one product or have small number of homogenous products. Organizations expand and the number of goods and services they produce even increases. For example: Procter and Gambler produce various

Monday, August 26, 2019

Social responsibility of business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social responsibility of business - Essay Example Requiring businesses to intervene in social issues is equivalent to asking for more than what businesses owe both government and the society (Sarkar 2005, p.25). Increasing profits is the right thing for businesses to do because engaging in social activities would give them unfairly excessive powers. These powers would cause businesses to control the lives of people through political action, influence on the government and domination using business values. Businesses know how to make profits well but are incompetent pertaining social issues. This incompetence unfolds threefold starting with businesses’ lack of the technical skills requisite to handle social issues. Businesses lack knowledge that is as good as that of the government about what is good for the society and incompetent investments into social issues only wastes stakeholders’ funds (Sarkar 2005, p.26). Overall, the nature and character of free economy requires the function of business to be economic and not social and going against this is tantamount to causing confusion. On the other hand, Friedman could as well have been wrong in light of a number of things. His statement ignored that social activities could have profitable gains in the end. As such, Friedman’s statement focused on the short-term costs and downplayed the long-term benefits that could accrue from businesses engaging social responsibility. Concentrating on making profit only denies businesses a chance to build favorable public image. Businesses need a favorable public image in order to get employees, customers and access to money markets. Businesses should have a conscience even when concentrating on making profit because ethical actions are necessary if a business is to keep its customers and not have them boycotting its good and services (Sarkar 2005, p.27). The possible risks that a socially responsible business dares will make the stock market to raise its stock

Victor Davis Hanson's The Civic Education America Needs Essay

Victor Davis Hanson's The Civic Education America Needs - Essay Example He further argues that among the factors, which hinder civic education, is the presence of scholar uncertainty where they have no national pride, thus making them lose the element of social cohesion (Forment 451). The scholars in turn join college without self-assurance, hence vulnerable to all fallacies about the American practice. Victor also has his argument on the catastrophic changes in the privileged society, especially from the universities, which have trickled down to the schools. He puts that civic education in this schools has declined over the last thirty years. He says that the ideas from the elites of these universities are characterized as being anti-moral to civic education. He further asserts that the ideas of multiculturalism, dictatorial, intellectual, and ethical relativism disseminated from the top universities through the fourth estate and politicians, greatly undermine the civic education program. Victor further argues that multiculturalism, allowed to the etiqu ette of the underclass, changed the conduct of the youthful people (Forment 452). He believes that to counteract this elite culture from undermining the process of civic education, there is need to cultivate and re-visit the common values and national story of America. Furthermore, Victor Davies argues that the conceit of the Enlightenment, which threatens to eliminate the available, shared pathologies, is a cause of concern in promoting the civic education in America. The segregation and undermining of women plays a key role in disheartenment of efforts to foster the civic education in America. He puts forward that civility, which to many is merely convection, has to become a tool for liberation of the people (Nelles 264). He observes that civility was an oppressive phenomenon of the 1950s, an era punctuated by subdued sexual issues like inhumane treatment of women, minorities and the young people. These were to remind the women that they were the weaker sex and they had no place i n the society. The treatment, according to Victor also wanted to show the youth that they were tacit. It comes evident when the learners of age 20 claim that they owe nothing in terms of morals to the older generation. They further claim that the old generation need to get astute thoughts from them, which to Victor undermines the role of civic education (Forment 454). Victor argues that gone are the days when a person took concern of the greater humanity, other than the individualistic nature. He advocates for a kind of†citizenship†education where one is guided by the values and not obligated by attachments. Victor further proposes that the American system of education should embrace the idea of â€Å"citizenship,† which will cultivate an individual guided by rights and the broader humanity. This, to Victor can bring up students who are responsible and guided by morals (Nelles 265). Through this, teachers will be able to correct students who mess up and also enabl e students to learn the values, which will promote civic education in the primary schools. On the other end, this will not be fruitful in implementing, especially when the teachers and parents fail to lead as examples to the kids. in addition, teachers may lack the moral and intellectual authority and end up behaving like their learners in their behavior (Nelles 266). The idea of the â€Å"citizenship,† also promotes teamwork especially in sports. This teamwork enhances

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Evaluation Questions and Data Collection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluation Questions and Data Collection - Essay Example The task becomes formidable when the ultimate objects of the evaluation are latchkey children. An abandoned child lacking the custody and care of the natural parental environment cannot find satisfactory solace and nurture in an attention span of a few hours. Child rearing is a 24 hours job. Since the evaluation is undertaken for children facing deprivation and their neighborhood, the stakeholders cannot but be those largely based in the locality. Thus, the stakeholders comprise the school whose facilities are being used for the purpose of after-school care for the target children, the school authorities, the ministry of education, the parents of the regular students, child psychologists, donors and well-wishers of the school, and all others who have personal interest in the school such as former students. (Report on the causes of poverty and Civil Society Recommendations for the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper in Montenegro) The first evaluation questionnaire is addressed to the stakeholders in order to get their views to what extent they are prepared to go to fill the gap necessary to restore normalcy in the children's lives. A group discussion is ideal for the purpose of eliciting view from a group of 12-15 individuals representing different segment of the stakeholders. The questionnaire will dwell on personal information to begin with like name, age, sex, occupation, marital status, number of children, and move on to areas of interest like favorite sports, extra curricular activities, club membership. Thereafter, questions addressing the objectivity of the evaluation and seeking information on the stakeholder's personal involvement with any children's organization, local or international and since how long, must be included. One or two direct questions asking if they are ready for adoption must also be included. Since financial needs meet only a part of the deprived child's requirement, questions desiring information on the amount of time the stakeholder is capable of spending with the child or children must also find place in the framework. Undoubtedly, the exercise is intended to not only involve individuals but also the entire community. The issue of latchkey students impacts the entire community because it assumes social implications. The consequence of ignoring deprived children has all too often proved disastrous with criminal elements only too ready to accept them for their own ignoble purposes. (David A. Dzewaltowski et al) Questions for the deprived children The framework to fix questionnaire for evaluation and data collection of latchkey students is complex and challenging for the simple reason no two child are alike. One deprived student may be doing exceptionally well in studies, while another may be normal or mediocre. It is in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Plato and aristotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Plato and aristotle - Essay Example If one tries to duplicate something, one moves away from perceiving the ideal form. Hence, writing, according to Plato implies attempting to duplicate the memory because one has to rely on the outside source and this drifts one away from the truth. He states that wisdom comes from the inner self and when one tries to put it in writing, memory plays a role and hence it is not the truth. The authors have not experienced all they write about. This claim of Plato is also clearly visible in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin. Chopin wrote a lot of fiction and she interacted with different cultures. Although she tried to represent life as it is actually lived, ultimately it sprang from her memory and in the words of Plato, this drifts one away from the truth. Chopin lost her husband at a very young age and hence it would appear that she lives in the hope that one day she too would encounter something like Mrs. Mallard did. Perhaps it is her innermost feelings that are expressed through this story and hence Plato’s claim that authors try to duplicate the memory is justified. Chopin has not experienced something like this so can she with authority describe the feelings. Fiction is a fragment of the mind and hence not an experience which an author can write about with authority. Based on your own experience of literature or other arts, how would you understand the meaning of katharis? When you experience art or literature, do you feel purged of emotions, or do you feel emotions in a purified way, or do you see or understand them more clearly? More generally, do you think the emotional experiences literature or art create are beneficial? Or do you think (perhaps like Plato) that they are not beneficial, perhaps even harmful? The emotions that come up with the experience of art and literature are momentary. Katharsis implies purging of emotions never to return. Once the mind and soul is cleared of such thoughts, once the emotions have been

Friday, August 23, 2019

Implementing Strategic Sourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Implementing Strategic Sourcing - Essay Example hat provides organizations with the right kind of assistance, enabling them to conduct business within their competency level, while not having to handle issues related with employee incompetence. Cisco, a renowned leader in ensuring a high level of global connectivity, collaboration and augmenting communication channels has grown to a level of 73000 employees, and the organization operates on a global front. The company has registered remarkable progress in its bid to use innovation to transform the means of communication and internet connectivity. The company resolved to focus on reinventing its corporate culture, and overview of its financial services. Considering its global operations, it encountered challenges in ensuring that the cultural and financial aspects of its venture were well addressed, especially because of the pertinent diversity. Therefore, Cisco opted to outsource chief accountants, who would focus on the management of the taxation, statutory requirements and accounting roles (Kling, 2012). As the company diversified into many more nations, it adopted the entity support model, and established a partnership that handled accounting responsibilities and took charge of global operations. The company has registered smooth running of its operations and effective finance managements as well as successful global operations. In 2007, the company settled for an outsourcing venture by signing an agreement with Accenture with the service provider handling accounts, procurement, and management of the documents (Krishna, 2011). This served to solve the challenges that Microsoft was facing, and it has extended the agreement to 2018. Controller workspace and governance workspace are the tools that have served to ensure that Microsoft is satisfied with the efforts of Accenture. In 2012, the clientele of Sprint Nextel soared immensely. At first, the company relied on internal solutions to offer al the required services. However, the need for services became

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The films “Saved Essay Example for Free

The films â€Å"Saved Essay Much ado has been said about religion and how diverse religious practices have been depicted in numerous films. Religion in America reflects no more than simple faith but dwells into the social structure and the meanings of faith in the midst of American culture and society. With film as medium of conveying messages, it is of no shallow signification why this form of art is to be examined in the light of religious portrayal in a number of Hollywood films. This essay shall review the films â€Å"Saved! † (2004), â€Å"Witness†(__), â€Å"The Apostle† (1997), â€Å"Scarlet Letter†(___) and â€Å"Smoke Signals† (1998) in terms of their accuracy and overall attitude towards religious persons and issues. Popular not merely for their cinematic value or production or array of big stars, these movies became controversial for varied social reactions, whether for laudable reason or hyper-critical conviction. â€Å"Witness†: The Struggle for Personal Convictions â€Å"Witness† tells of a modern-day police officer (John Book portrayed by Harrison Ford) who found refuge in the laid back and primitive Amish village in Lancaster County. Wanting to protect a young Amish boy (Samuel, played by Lucas Haas) who witnessed the killing of an undercover policeman in a subway station from the perpetrators, he finds himself immersing in the Amish way of life. He dresses â€Å"plainly†, milks cows, does carpentry, takes the horse-driven buggy, and later falls in love with the child’s mother (Rachel Lapp portrayed by Kelly McGillis). Later he finds out that the killing was brought about by the higher-ups in his department, he was chased and found. Finally, the movie ends with a resolution of the case. The movie was an insight into the remote Amish community focusing on human nature and how it relates to religion. A viewer may see the film on a cultural perspective with the struggle between the Amish-English identity and the multi-cultural facets and differences between the two worlds, with religion and love story only as undertones. However, a closer look would reveal that that so much of religious beliefs and subjects are embedded in the story. The movie opens with a funeral, emphasizing the Amish funeral rites. A person who has not seen the movie nor has any idea of what the movie was about would mistake the movie for a sixteenth century epic. Only later in the subway station scene would the viewer have an idea that the story was set in the 20th century. The juxtaposed modern-dressed passengers to that of the Amish mother and son emphasized the remoteness of the two cultures’ civilization, the Amish seemingly locked in a time space that was the 16th century. The Amish culture and religious practices were clearly identified in the film. Their struggle for â€Å"plainness†, of simple living was progressed in the story. There was the men’s usual trousers and coat with hooks and eyes rather than buttons, the bearded men with shaved upper lips, women dressing the same way with religious caps-these were how the typical Amish looked like. The Amish dressed the same way, believing that dressing the way they do maintains their plainness, the Amish’ guiding principle in their way of life. As the movie progresses, images of horse-driven chariots, the farming activities, the Pennsylvanian German language, the typical Amish houses made of wood with no electricity and television, the barnyards and the corn stocks, the horse-driven farm machines, the water-driven water supply are made evident and persistent in the Amish community. This is how the Amish community looked like and depicted the manner they survived and subsisted while living a wayward life amongst 20th century modernity on its outskirts. The Amish lived a peaceful, contented life in a well-knit community where everyone knew each other and everyone was willing to lend a hand. The religious themes were clearly drawn as well. The gun played an important signification of the Amish-way versus that of the English. To the Amish, the gun was a symbol of immorality. Focus was had in this aspect such that when Samuel sees Book’s gun, Rachel and Eli (Samuel’s grandfather played by Jan Rubes) react in a rather hostile manner: Rachel tells Book that if he should stay he should respect the Amish ways, and Eli renders a heart-to-heart talk with Samuel telling him that â€Å"guns are for the taking of life and outsiders who contend that killing is necessary do not consider the alternatives:† and that by being violent, he â€Å"becomes one of them† referring to the killers in the subway station. Although Book respects their views, he does not necessarily succumb to it. He believed that his gun was necessary to protect himself and others against bad people. The Amish were peaceful people. They do not fall for man’s vices such as hatred and violence. In a scene where an Amish group was being bullied by a group of Englishmen, they were seen unyielding to anger and retaliation, a reaction normal to an English such as Book, an offense he would not let pass. Even jealousy (between Book and another Amish man attracted to Rachel) was not an issue. The film effectively showed the Amish people’s devotion to how they believe God wants them to live their lives. Modern life, as reflected by Book, on the other hand, portrayed loneliness, remoteness and complexity. In a man-eat-man world, Book was a reflection of a typical culture way beyond the Amish ideology. In one frame, one killer policeman was seen washing his hands after killing his victim in the subway bathroom. Relevant to Catholic religion, the washing of the hand signified an attempt to cleanse oneself of sins. This was an irony in the film.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sex education Essay Example for Free

Sex education Essay 1. Sex education can help to prevent many atrocities. Abandoned babies. Abortion. Malnutrition and starvation. 2. Teenagers will become more careful of their own body. Anatomy lessons (included in sex education) will make teenagers aware of potential hazards. STDs. Prevent a possible infertility. 3. Some parents think sex education should be taught at home, in family. Teachers take a special course on how to teach their students properly. Some teenager might be scared to talk to their parents about sex. Conclusion: â€Å"The opposition we find is mostly based in misconceptions, and instead of force them to accept sex education, we should focus on refute their misbeliefs by showing them the correct information. † For many years, sex education has been one of the most controversial issues in education, but since the law was passed, the opposition has drastically decreased along the country. Even so, from time to time I hear astonishing anecdotes of parents who send their children to a private school to avoid sex education. Personally, I think that it’s perilous to let them resolve things on their own, because in the future, their children will suffer the consequences of lacking of these vital lessons. I strongly believe that -because of the astounding benefits I’ll expose below- sex education should be taught in every school. The first, and probably the most important advantage of sex education, is that it can prevent many atrocities. This can sound pretentious to someone, but allow me to explain why it is not an exaggeration. In the last years, the number of girls who die in clandestine abortion centers in growing alarmingly. Ignorance and despair are a deadly combination that can lead to tragedy. Many (if not all) of these deaths can be prevented by sex education, since all the healthy ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy are taught in class (and even some schools give condoms for free in case the student doesn’t have money). But that’s not the only example! What if it’s too late to prevent the unwanted pregnancy? When a baby is abandoned, it’s the most obvious assumption to think that it was because the mother wasn’t able to raise it, or because she simply didn’t know what to do. Well, sex education also teaches what to do and who can help in case of it. Sadly, some babies die before they are found, and this can be avoided by a mother who knows that there are specialized institutions where she can leave her baby safe. In other words, sex education forestalls death. Secondly, sex education not only forestalls death, but it also protects life. It has anatomy lessons, which leads me to the next point: Teenagers will become more careful o f their own body. You will think one thing has nothing to do with other, but as it was stated before, education gives the opportunity of decision. For example, a teenager who is fully conscious of his own body will be more careful with it than someone who is not aware of the potential hazards of sexually transmitted diseases. But that’s not all, sex education also prevents a future infertility, since the anatomy lessons remark that the unhealthy habits (like smoking, or drinking alcohol) have dreadful consequences for the body. Finally, I’ll try to vanish one of the biggest fears of some of these parents: what teachers would say to their children. Most of these adults think it should be taught at home, in family, but I’ll insist that it’s better for a student to learn at school. Why? Well, when the law was passed, teachers had to take special courses on how to teach their students properly. Some parents are sure they know everything, but they are wrong. On the other hand, their children might be fearful of asking for advice to someone of their own family, and might prefer to expose their doubts and feelings with a teacher. Taking to consideration all of the points exposed above, I trust the little opposition we find in parents can cease, since as I said before, is mostly based in misconceptions. So instead of force them to accept it, we should focus on refute their misbeliefs by showing them how sex education is taught by an  specialist that took a course on how to help to prevent atrocities, and make teenagers aware and careful of the their own body.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Study On Allahabad Tourism Essay

A Study On Allahabad Tourism Essay Known as Prayaga in the Vedic literature, as Tirth raj in the Puranas, and as Illahabas during the times of Emperor Akbar, Allahabad is situated at Triveni Sangam, or the confluence of the rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati (which has now disappeared). It is an ancient belief that all sins get washed away when you enter this holy city. Various mythological stories are attached to this city. It formed the epicenter of the Indian Freedom Movement and has produced many of Indias leading political figures. Many important government offices are also situated in this city. It is also well-known for the Diocese of Allahabad. Allahabad is a city of mixed cultures. Awadhi is the dialect of Hindi spoken here. Places to See Allahabad is a both a historical and a popular center for education. Places you must visit at Allahabad are: The Sangam Maha Kumbh Mela (after every 12 years) Allahabad Fort Patalpuri Temple Ashoka Pillar Akshaya Vat Allahabad High Court Shivkoti Mahadev Temple Someshwar Mahadev Temple Anand Bhavan Allahabad Planetarium Allahabad Museum Patthar Girja Minto Park Khusro bagh Dashaswamedh Temple (on the bank of Ganges in Daraganj) Prayag Sangeet Samiti (A place in Civil Lines for musically oriented) Shopping Being a historical and religious center, shopping in Allahabad for ethnic jewelry, incense sticks, sandalwood, camphor, and vermillion, posters of gods and goddesses, and items made of brass can be a memorable experience. For the book lovers, Allahabad is a city of publishers. Where To Stay Allahabad caters to people of all economic strata. Some of the hotels that we recommend are: Kanha Shyam Hotel, Hotel Milan Palace, Hotel Saket, Grand Continental Hotel and Hotel Ajay International. How to Reach Allahabad For the international traveler, the best route to Allahabad would be to take a flight to New Delhi and then take any one of the innumerable trains from New Delhi to Allahabad. By Road: Allahabad is situated on the National Highways 2 and 27 and well-connected by roads in good condition to all the other parts of the state. You can either take a bus run by the Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport or a private transporter. An eight-lane access known as Ganga Expressway is soon going connect Allahabad to other cities. By Rail: Allahabad is a major city on the railway map of India. Many rains ply to and fro. Some of them are the Shivganga Express (from New Delhi), New Delhi-Puri Express, Mathura Express (from Mathura). By Air: The nearest Airport is at Bamrauli (14 km) and Varanasi (120 km). There are regular flights from Delhi.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hamlet :: essays papers

Hamlet Revenge For Your Father In Shakespeare's tragic epic Hamlet, one man is torn between loyalty of his new king or the revenge of his old king and past on father. Should Hamlet lose everything while his uncle controls what should be his? Many things led to the down fall of Hamlet some of them are the murderous acts of Claudius, the act loyalty to revenge the death of a king and father, and the great depression that Hamlet struggles to control. In Hamlet there are many unfortunate events. The start of the unfortunate event is when the king is brutally murder. Cluadius seemed to bring curse a pawn everyone around him. By the murder of Hamlet's father he was determined to avenge his death. Hamlet now had to avenge the death of his father and end the incestuous acts between a twisted uncle and mother. "He kills Polonius by accident, hoping that in a blind thrust through ther arras he might turn out at last to have dispatched the King..."(Murray pg131) Some may think that Hamlet let his emotions take over his actions in avenging his fathers' death , but Ophelia and Laertes also lots a father and they too acted like out of control. Laertes also look for revenge toward his fathers' killer just like Hamlet. Ophelia the sister of Laertes was unable to get revenge for her father Polonius lost her mind and committed suicide. Hamlet may too gone mad and taken his own life if he was unable to get revenge. The ghost of Hamlet's father give Hamlet the answer of revenge by telling him how the killer is. "The Ghost as a sort of symbol or allegory. Hamlet's character and situation were well conceived to base such a hallucination upon."(Santayana 128) The ghost gave Hamlet a great power inside to avenge his death. The ghost also to Hamlet of how the death of his father caused infinite damnation and led to corruption fo his other and Denmark. "If thou hast nature in thee bear it not, Let not the royal bed of Denmark be A couch for luxury and damned incest"(I.5.81) Hamlet also is under great depression and constant internal struggle. The civilization was also coming down around him. He had no one to trust. Hamlet is expected to go alone the remarriage of his mother, and also after finding out that his fathers' murder was by his own uncle who married his mother and is now the new king of Denmark.

An Analysis Of John Berger Essay -- essays research papers fc

Pictures Don’t Always Paint a Thousand Words John Berger makes a bold statement in saying “ No other relic or text from the past can offer such a direct testimony about the world which surrounded other people at other times. In this respect images are more precise and richer than literature,'; (Ways of Reading, 106). This statement is very untrue. Literature has been the focal point of all modern learning.. Literature lets the reader feel what the author is thinking, not just see it as you would in a painting. This can be proven after reading Berger ‘s descriptions of paintings in Ways of Seeing and also reading parts of literature written by W.E.B Dubois.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When a reader reads literature it is easy to feel what the author is writing about . An author’s job is to show the reader his point of view. He does this by describing things, offering opinions, and making conclusions. By doing this the author can get his point across and the reader can hopefully relate to him. A good author will also paint his own picture by words. He will leave the reader with a picture in his head of what he is describing. A writer’s words are stronger than the stroke of an artist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An example of this could be from W.E.B Dubois ‘s Of the Meaning of Progress . DuBois paints us a picture of his life . On page 225, DuBois describes a child , he says “ Thenie was on hand early ,-a jolly, ugly ,good-hearted , who slyly dipped snuff and looked after her little bow legged brother.'; This description is something a picture can not describe. A picture cannot significantly show someone being jolly or good hearted. These two descriptions are important in learning about the character, thus literature is more precise than images.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Berger’s also states that paintings leave the reader to make many conclusions. Berger is talking about the sitter in a painting by Frans Hals. He says “ It is not possible to produce circumstantial evidence to establish what there relationships were, ';(110). Here he is saying by looking at the picture, there aren’t many valid conclusions one can make. The viewer can see five people and describe what they look like, but he cannot dig any deeper. Any other conclusion a reader would mak... ...rpretations. Paintings are left open for the viewer to make his own conclusion. An author could send out an essay to a million different people and receive and still have only one interpretation. An author often will write a thesis statement which lets the reader know exactly what the writing will be about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, literature is what has built this nation and world from the ground up. Unfortunately John Berger did not feel this way. Images give us a picture that we can see with our eyes, but images leave out the feelings we see in our heart. Literature gives us the power to see and feel everything. The heart and mind will forever be more powerful than the eye.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WORKS CITED Berger, John. “Ways of Seeing.'; Ways of Reading. Ed. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky. Bedford/St. Martin’s: New York, Boston, 1999. Pg 104-132. Du Bois, W.E.B. “Of the Meaning of Progress.'; Ways of Reading. Ed. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky. Bedford/St. Martin’s: New York, Boston, 1999. Pg 224-231.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

John Brown :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Brown became a legend of his time. He was a God fearing, yet violent man and slaveholders saw him as evil, fanatic, a murderer, lunatic, liar, and horse thief. To abolitionists, he was noble and courageous. John Brown was born in 1800 and grew up in the wilderness of Ohio. At seventeen, he left home and soon mastered the arts of farming, tanning, and home building. Along with all the rural arts Brown was skilled at, one of his most conspicuous talents was profuse and painful failure. He made many attempts at work and every one turned into a disappointment. In 1837, Brown made his first public statement on human bondage and from then on continued to speak out against slavery. For three years, he traveled East beseeching abolitionists for guns and money. While doing that, Brown created a plan that one night, a small group would capture the federal armory and arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. There, the group would seize all the guns and escape. Slaves would then join the group, creating an army, and diminish slavery in the South. On October 16, 1859, John Brown led a procession into Harpers Ferry and the raid went perfectly as planned. By noon, however, the Virginia militia entered Harpers Ferry and closed the only escape route. At the end of the day, Brown only had five of the twenty-two men he began with available to continue fighting. On October 18, the Marines, headed by Colonel Robert E. Lee, requested the surrender of Brown. He refused. The Marines attacked and captured John Brown. Brown’s trial took place in one week and on November 2, 1859, John Brown was charged with murder, treason, and leading a slave revolt. He was sentenced to death. Brown lived in a Charleston jail cell for one month until he was killed on December 2. Church bells tolled and cannons boomed in honor of John Brown. Experts began to question Brown’s sanity. Some say he was obsessed, monomaniacal, and psychologically unbalanced. John Brown :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Brown became a legend of his time. He was a God fearing, yet violent man and slaveholders saw him as evil, fanatic, a murderer, lunatic, liar, and horse thief. To abolitionists, he was noble and courageous. John Brown was born in 1800 and grew up in the wilderness of Ohio. At seventeen, he left home and soon mastered the arts of farming, tanning, and home building. Along with all the rural arts Brown was skilled at, one of his most conspicuous talents was profuse and painful failure. He made many attempts at work and every one turned into a disappointment. In 1837, Brown made his first public statement on human bondage and from then on continued to speak out against slavery. For three years, he traveled East beseeching abolitionists for guns and money. While doing that, Brown created a plan that one night, a small group would capture the federal armory and arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. There, the group would seize all the guns and escape. Slaves would then join the group, creating an army, and diminish slavery in the South. On October 16, 1859, John Brown led a procession into Harpers Ferry and the raid went perfectly as planned. By noon, however, the Virginia militia entered Harpers Ferry and closed the only escape route. At the end of the day, Brown only had five of the twenty-two men he began with available to continue fighting. On October 18, the Marines, headed by Colonel Robert E. Lee, requested the surrender of Brown. He refused. The Marines attacked and captured John Brown. Brown’s trial took place in one week and on November 2, 1859, John Brown was charged with murder, treason, and leading a slave revolt. He was sentenced to death. Brown lived in a Charleston jail cell for one month until he was killed on December 2. Church bells tolled and cannons boomed in honor of John Brown. Experts began to question Brown’s sanity. Some say he was obsessed, monomaniacal, and psychologically unbalanced.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Effects of Watching Tagalized English Movies in the Philippines

Introduction: . Tagalization is the process of converting foreign language into Filipino language or it is the translating of text into Filipino. Under the 1987 Constitution XIV Section 6, the Filipino national language was settled and the Education department adopted a bilingual program to promote the use of Tagalog, the other official language. The government was swayed by studies indicating that children tended to learn better in their native languages The trend for Tagalization or as some would call it Filipinization has increased in the recent years.Among those in the media which have changed languages through the years are the movies. And because of this, the level of English proficiency decreased. Incapability to speak English fluently and efficiently is one of the realities faced by many young Filipinos today. There are many reasons to explain the decline in English proficiency but the proliferation of television shows such as tagalizing English movies is one of the attributo rs. With this, how could we expect the young generation to speak and write English fluently? Absract:This research entitled â€Å"The Effects of Tagalizing English on the English Proficiency of the First Year College Students of Pasig Catholic College† was conducted to know the effects of tagalizing English movies of the first year college students of Pasig Catholic College. It aims to answer the following questions 1. What is the profile of the first year college students of Pasig Catholic College in terms of: 1. 1 Gender 1. 2 Program1. 3 Age 2. What is the academic level of performance of those students who watch tagalized English movies? 3. What are the effects of watching tagalized English movies?The researcher chose the first year college students of Pasig Catholic College to be her respondents. In this regard, the researcher used descriptive method to determine the different effects of tagalizing English movies of the abovementioned first year college students. The rese archer used the survey questionnaires in gathering data as the main instrument. The questionnaire is divided into three parts. Part I was about the profile of the respondents, part II was the grade in English of the first year college students for the first semester, and part III dealt with the different factors regarding tagalized movies.In the light of the study, the researcher came up with the following findings: Area of Focus This study aims to determine the effects of tagalizing English movies of the first year college students of Pasig Catholic College. The English Teacher: This study may prove significant to the English teachers to become aware of the student’s needs and responses. He/she, as a facilitator of learning should encourage the students in engaging oral and written activities to enhance their English proficiency.The Students: This study will serve as an encouragement to the students to watch English movies more instead of tagalized English movies to develop fundamental communication skills that prepare students to engage in fluent and responsible communication. The Parents: Through this reseach, the parents will come up with ways to assist and expose their children to different English resources to develop the student’s skills in English proficiency. Related Literature: According to Shianee Mamanglu of Manila Bulletin (2010) agreed that the Filipino skill in English have diminished over the years thus the need to enhance it.She also said that only five to ten are accepted out of every 100 call center applicants because of poor English skills particularly on communication. Lingualearn, (2002 ) said that one can learn grammar of a language in different ways and one of these is by watching television. All have an inborn mechanism for decoding and making sense of foreign languages. By immersion in the foreign language and culture, one should be able to pick up any language. The New Strait Times and the Star Newspaper (2005) said tha t it is important that students should watch more television, especially educational English programs.

Friday, August 16, 2019

History of Nursing Research Worksheet Essay

Nursing Research covers key issues, including health promotion, human responses to illness, acute care nursing research, symptom management, cost-effectiveness, vulnerable populations, health services, and community-based nursing studies† (Henly, 2013). Sigma Theta Tau Journal published by this organization is now called Image—The Journal of Nursing ScholarshipFirst published: 1967 Importance: â€Å"This widely read and respected journal features peer-reviewed, thought-provoking articles representing research by some of the world’s leading nurse researchers. Reaching health professionals, faculty and students in 90 countries, the Journal of Nursing Scholarship is focused on the health of people throughout the world. It reflects the society’s dedication to providing the tools necessary to improve nursing care around the world† (Hegyvary, 2011). Research in Nursing and Health First published: 1978 Importance: â€Å"a general peer-reviewed research journal devoted to publication of a wide range of research and theory that will inform the practice of nursing and other health disciplines. It has influenced on nursing education administration, health issues related to nursing, and testing research in practice† (â€Å"Research In Nursing & Health â€Å", n. d. ). Western Journal of Nursing Research First published: 1979 Importance: â€Å"The dissemination of research studies, book reviews, discussion and debate, and meeting calendars, all directed to a general nursing audience. It has risen to the challenges of the ever-changing nursing research field, providing an innovative forum for nurse researchers, students and clinical practitioners to participate in ongoing scholarly debate† (Conn, 2013). Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing PracticeFirst published: 1987 Importance: â€Å"Research and Theory for Nursing Practice (former named Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice) focuses on issues relevant to improving nursing practice, education, and patient care. The articles strive to discuss knowledge development in its broadest sense, reflect research using a variety of methodological approaches, and combine several methods and strategies in a single study. Because of the journal’s international emphasis, article contributors address the implications of their studies for an international audience† (â€Å"Springer Publish Company†, 2013). Applied Nursing ResearchFirst published: 1988 Importance: â€Å"To present original, peer-reviewed research findings clearly and directly for clinical applications in all nursing specialties. Regular features include ‘Ask the Experts,’ research briefs, clinical methods, book reviews, news and announcements, and an editorial section. Applied Nursing Research covers such areas as pain management, patient education, discharge planning, nursing diagnosis, job stress in nursing, nursing influence on length of hospital stay, and nurse/physician collaboration† (â€Å"Applied Nursing Research†, 2013). Nursing Science QuarterlyFirst published: 1988 Importance: â€Å"Nursing Science Quarterly (NSQ) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing original manuscripts focusing on nursing theory development, nursing theory-based practice and quantitative and qualitative research related to existing nursing frameworks, contributed by the leading theorists, researchers and nurse executives† (â€Å"Nursing Science Quarterly†, 2013). Conduct and Utilization of Research in NursingFirst published: 1982-1983 Importance: â€Å"The Conduct and Utilization of Research in Nursing (CURN) project, an organizational approach, was designed to develop and test a model for using research-based knowledge in clinical practice settings† (Morse, 2006). Annual Review of Nursing ResearchFirst published: 1983 Importance: â€Å"The purpose of this annual review is to critically examine the full gamut of literature on key topics in nursing practice, including nursing theory, care delivery, nursing education, and the professional aspects of nursing. ARNR has brought together internationally recognized experts in the fields of nursing, and continues to deliver the highest standards of content and authoritative reviews of research for students, researchers, and clinicians† (â€Å"Springer Publishing Company†, 2013). AgenciesEstablishment date and goal or function: American Nurses’ Association (ANA) Council of Nurse Researchers Established: 1972 Goal: â€Å"The Council of Nurse Researchers helped with the development of research endeavors, gave credit to meritorious research, and facilitated the discussion of research ideas† (Burns ; Grove, 2009). National Institute for Nursing Research (NINR)Established: 1993 Goal: â€Å"NINR is to promote and improve the health of individuals, families, communities, and populations. NINR supports and conducts clinical and basic research and research training on health and illness across the lifespan to build the scientific foundation for clinical practice, prevent disease and disability, manage and eliminate symptoms caused by illness, and improve palliative and end-of-life care† (â€Å"National Institute Of Nursing Research†,

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Ethical and Moral Issues in Business

Ethical and Moral Issues in Business LaTonya Beeler September 13, 2010 MGT 216 Ray Crum Ethics and morals are essential to the success of a business. The two are synonymous with one another. According to DeGeorge, â€Å"ethics is a systematic attempt to make sense of our individual and social moral experience†¦ to determine the rules that ought to govern human conduct, the values worth pursuing, and the character traits deserving development in life (DeGeorge, 2010, pg. 13). † Consumers rely on business to make moral and ethical decision regarding all business transactions.If the consumer does not believe that a business is moral or ethical he or she will not patronize the business, which in turn causes the business to lose money causing adverse effects on the economy. This essay will ascertain the differences between ethical and moral issues, the difference between personal and business ethics as well as provide examples of common ethical problems in business for each of the aforementioned ethics. Ethics and morals are words that people use interchangeably in regards to conduct and how people interact with society.However, some differences exist between the two in business. Ethics are a set of rules or codified system implemented by a company that explains how one should act on-the-job whereas morals are set in stone and is principles by which an entire society is supposed to live by. One can distinguish between ethics and morals by understanding that ethics is the action or conduct of what an individual deems right or wrong, therefore morals are the basis to which ethics stand on.For instance, if two big businesses were in competition with one another for the same customers one of the companies may choose to bribe an employee of the other company for internal information to use against the other company to gain a competitive advantage. Bribery is a common ethical problem that occurs in business. Personal ethics can refer to an individual’s life outside of work whereas business ethics pertain to the moral aspects of business to consumer interaction or business to business interaction. The foundation of personal and business ethics are equivalent.What differentiates the two are how they are enacted. For example, there are retail stores that require their employees to promote the sale of store credit cards. The customers may not be knowledgeable of the rules in the fine print; however the customer service associate is well aware but cannot disclose certain information because he or she has to comply with code of ethics of the company. This directly conflicts with the personal ethics of the employee and the business ethics to which he or she has to comply with.The aforementioned example is a common ethical problem seen in the retail business. Ethics and morals are essential in the success of a business because they determine whether or not a customer will continue to patronize the business or take his or her money to anot her business. A company is only as successful as the people who work there. The employee in a business goes to work and employs his or her personal ethics in conjunction with the code of ethics implemented in the place he or she works. Differences are apparent in morals and ethics.The difference is ethics are a codified system in a business to which employees have to adhere to and morals are the basis to which one determines right from wrong. Just as there are differences in ethic and morals, there are differences between personal and business ethics. The difference is how personal and business ethics are enacted. Businesses can prevent scandals within the company by ensuring that all employees including management adhere to the business code of ethics.Reference DeGeorge, R. T. (2010). Business ethics (7th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Mgt/216 Steve Fletcher October 18, 2010 One Ethics and moral issues in business become factors that individuals encounter at several times in one’s daily life. An individual becomes greeted each morning in the newspaper, confronted in the fundamentals of one’s daily jobs, and bided good night on the evening news. In a professional setting, a person’s behavior to act in a manner that upholds the good of society becomes expected. To understand ethical and moral issues in business, their differences must become imperative, the differences between personal ethics and business ethics become essential, and examples of common ethical problems in businesses become important. Ethics become extremely important to everyone in the workplace, and are the beliefs, values, and morals that an individual possess. â€Å"The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation,† defines ethics according to according to  Merriam-Webster, Incorporated  (2010). These values, belief, and morals become usually instilled in the individual from family, church, society, peer groups, profession, or other sources. A variety of ethical issues that becomes apparent within various organizations today include â€Å"conflict of interest,† â€Å"discrimination,† â€Å"harassment, Sexual and otherwise,† â€Å"recruitment and staffing,† â€Å"customer confidence issues,† and â€Å"corporate resources. † These ethical issues occur within today’s business environments and have a tremendous effect on organizations. Two â€Å"Moral principles, teachings, or conduct,† defines moral according to  Merriam-Webster, Incorporated  (2010). A variety of moral issues that becomes apparent within various organizations today include â€Å"falsification of facts, deception, concealing information,† â€Å"misrepresenting correspondence or publications,† â€Å" the swaying of people's feelings,† â€Å"cheating, rule-bending, misleading people,† â€Å"exploitation of weakness and vulnerability,† â€Å"excessive profit,† â€Å"greed,† â€Å"resistance to reasonable investigation,† â€Å"recklessness or irresponsible secrecy and lack of transparency and use of authority, power, reputation,† â€Å"breaking confidentiality,† â€Å"lack of compassion and humanity,† and â€Å"unfairness. Several influences define personal Ethics, which include family influences, religious beliefs, culture affects, personal experiences, and internal reflection. Parents or guardians dictate one’s morality during the early years of an individual’s life. They bec ome the first to voice and demonstrate ethical boundaries. Religious beliefs become important by allowing a person to accept an established set of moral rules. By following these moral rules, an individual behave ethically with the promises of rewards in the afterlife as a motivation. Culture dictates the ethical norms simply because of the customs and traditions in the society surrounding him or her, and becomes ingrained in an individual’s psyche. Personal experiences shift one’s ethics, which become events that happen in an individual’s life. Emotional and personal experiences cause changes one’s beliefs. Internal reflection becomes developed by one’s inward feelings. When an individual Three does something that goes against one’s moral code, a feeling of guilt or shame results. When an individual does something that fits into one’s ethical idea of â€Å"right† he or she becomes proud or happy. Business ethics become what constitute a business to its employees, customers, the community, vendors doing business with them, and all business relationships. Although guidelines, basic laws, and rules became created to maintain a business, the codes of conduct enforce ethics, and make an organization successful. When values in the workplace become viewed as fair and just with a collective willingness to provide services and products in an ethical manner; trust and confidence becomes stronger. When management adheres to company ethics, it sends a strong message to employees and often set strong ethical standards for what the company stands for. The Madoff investment scandal that became the largest â€Å"Ponzi scheme† ever committed by an individual becomes an example of ethical and moral issues in business. Money laundering, securities fraud, perjury, mail fraud, wire fraud, and making false fillings with the SEC became the federal crimes that Bernard Madoff pleaded guilty. â€Å"He actually managed to fool 4,800 clients. None of this money was ever invested; it was simply deposited into his  business  account. The losses of his clients were almost $65 billion and now Madoff faces a lifelong sentence and up to $170 billion in restitution,† according to (Articles base, 2010). Four The Enron failure that caused thousands of people to lose their jobs and pensions because of unethical practices by management becomes a prime example of personal and business ethical problems. â€Å"The SEC has uncovered several instances of financial fraud committed by high-ranking executives at Enron, and many of the executives have been charged with wire fraud, money laundering, securities fraud, mail fraud, and conspiracy,† according to (Lawyer Shop, 2008). Appropriate business ethics become vitally important in businesses; both large and small. Several ethical issues may arise within an organization, but acquiring the right training, policies, procedures, and guidelines available and comprehensive to all employees, businesses will aid in a decreasing amount of ethical and moral issues in the workplace. Reference: Articlesbase. com, (2010), retrieved from http://www. articlesbase. com/law-articles/how-the-madoff-investment-scandal-was-uncovered-927189. html Lawyershop. com, (2008)  retrieved from http://www. lawyershop. com/practice-areas/criminal-law/white-collar-crimes/securities-fraud/lawsuits/enron Merriam-Webster, Incorporated,  (2010),  Merriam-Webster Dictionary,  retrieved Ethical and Moral Issues in Business While ethics refers to understanding and adopting moral values such as code of conduct, morals are the beliefs of individuals determining what is right and wrong in behavior. Although organizations may have set rules to standardize a working environment, individuals may follow standard procedures while the morality solely lies in individual behavior. While groups and organizations may provide values of establishment within a working environment, moral issues may obtain examples of lying, stealing and cheating. Personal ethics may also obtain morality and may affect an individual’s goals which may differ from business ethics. Business ethics have company policy and standards in which employees must follow such as being respectful within the environment. As there are many differences to compare between ethics and morality, common problems do occur in businesses because of the human traits of greed. Why do ethical problems occur in businesses today? The majority of times, invidividuals can be selfish obtaining values of self interest which may lead to unethical conduct (William, 2009). Whether issues lie in management, work centers or between individuals, the results of the companies may be directed towards poor company performance and bad reputable perceptions from overall consumers. Research has shown that companies with poor and lower in profits are more prone to commit unethical acts (William, 2009). Fixed-pricing is an example of unethical problems which, avoids fair competition between companies. This is an unlawful agreement between manufacturers, which is considered illegal in the United States (William, 2009). Stealing and lying is also one of many common problems within businesses. For example, individuals working in IT may take and steal computer parts like HDMI cables rather than going to Fry’s electronics to pick one up for personal use. When it is time to install or troubleshoot a client’s computer or network, missing resourceful products may lead to bad customer service. Software piracy in IT is also considered unethical and many programmers and IT businesses may lose profits. When IT businesses lose profits, so do employee jobs. It is important for individuals to hold ethical personal conduct and hold morals to never steal from any company because it increases the efficiency of work performance and cost benefits. These company resources are valuable and stealing is unethical within any company. Another example is making personal phone calls on a corporate phone which may cost the company’s bills to increase. It is up to individuals to separate personal ethics such as personal phone calls with business ethics in this situation. These ethics are usually in the majority of all company policies. Also such unethical business practices may include discrimination against protected classes, bribes, sexual harassment and dishonesty. Ultimately ethical issues require people or organizations to choose actions which may judge their character of right and wrong. While organizations may want preserve customer relationships and employee concerns, business ethics may promote standard policies for diverse individuals. Such examples of unethical and immoral doings within businesses were stealing IT resources for personal use, using company resources for personal use and fixed pricing. Other examples were lying and cheating. These are choices individuals are expected not to commit and hold moral values so that companies and businesses may prosper towards a bright future. References: William, P.  (2009).  Why Ethical Problems Occur in Business.  Yahoo! Contributor Network.  Retrieved from Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Ethical and Moral Issues in Business LaTonya Beeler September 13, 2010 MGT 216 Ray Crum Ethics and morals are essential to the success of a business. The two are synonymous with one another. According to DeGeorge, â€Å"ethics is a systematic attempt to make sense of our individual and social moral experience†¦ to determine the rules that ought to govern human conduct, the values worth pursuing, and the character traits deserving development in life (DeGeorge, 2010, pg. 13). † Consumers rely on business to make moral and ethical decision regarding all business transactions.If the consumer does not believe that a business is moral or ethical he or she will not patronize the business, which in turn causes the business to lose money causing adverse effects on the economy. This essay will ascertain the differences between ethical and moral issues, the difference between personal and business ethics as well as provide examples of common ethical problems in business for each of the aforementioned ethics. Ethics and morals are words that people use interchangeably in regards to conduct and how people interact with society.However, some differences exist between the two in business. Ethics are a set of rules or codified system implemented by a company that explains how one should act on-the-job whereas morals are set in stone and is principles by which an entire society is supposed to live by. One can distinguish between ethics and morals by understanding that ethics is the action or conduct of what an individual deems right or wrong, therefore morals are the basis to which ethics stand on.For instance, if two big businesses were in competition with one another for the same customers one of the companies may choose to bribe an employee of the other company for internal information to use against the other company to gain a competitive advantage. Bribery is a common ethical problem that occurs in business. Personal ethics can refer to an individual’s life outside of work whereas business ethics pertain to the moral aspects of business to consumer interaction or business to business interaction. The foundation of personal and business ethics are equivalent.What differentiates the two are how they are enacted. For example, there are retail stores that require their employees to promote the sale of store credit cards. The customers may not be knowledgeable of the rules in the fine print; however the customer service associate is well aware but cannot disclose certain information because he or she has to comply with code of ethics of the company. This directly conflicts with the personal ethics of the employee and the business ethics to which he or she has to comply with.The aforementioned example is a common ethical problem seen in the retail business. Ethics and morals are essential in the success of a business because they determine whether or not a customer will continue to patronize the business or take his or her money to anot her business. A company is only as successful as the people who work there. The employee in a business goes to work and employs his or her personal ethics in conjunction with the code of ethics implemented in the place he or she works. Differences are apparent in morals and ethics.The difference is ethics are a codified system in a business to which employees have to adhere to and morals are the basis to which one determines right from wrong. Just as there are differences in ethic and morals, there are differences between personal and business ethics. The difference is how personal and business ethics are enacted. Businesses can prevent scandals within the company by ensuring that all employees including management adhere to the business code of ethics.Reference DeGeorge, R. T. (2010). Business ethics (7th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Mgt/216 Steve Fletcher October 18, 2010 One Ethics and moral issues in business become factors that individuals encounter at several times in one’s daily life. An individual becomes greeted each morning in the newspaper, confronted in the fundamentals of one’s daily jobs, and bided good night on the evening news. In a professional setting, a person’s behavior to act in a manner that upholds the good of society becomes expected. To understand ethical and moral issues in business, their differences must become imperative, the differences between personal ethics and business ethics become essential, and examples of common ethical problems in businesses become important. Ethics become extremely important to everyone in the workplace, and are the beliefs, values, and morals that an individual possess. â€Å"The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation,† defines ethics according to according to  Merriam-Webster, Incorporated  (2010). These values, belief, and morals become usually instilled in the individual from family, church, society, peer groups, profession, or other sources. A variety of ethical issues that becomes apparent within various organizations today include â€Å"conflict of interest,† â€Å"discrimination,† â€Å"harassment, Sexual and otherwise,† â€Å"recruitment and staffing,† â€Å"customer confidence issues,† and â€Å"corporate resources. † These ethical issues occur within today’s business environments and have a tremendous effect on organizations. Two â€Å"Moral principles, teachings, or conduct,† defines moral according to  Merriam-Webster, Incorporated  (2010). A variety of moral issues that becomes apparent within various organizations today include â€Å"falsification of facts, deception, concealing information,† â€Å"misrepresenting correspondence or publications,† â€Å" the swaying of people's feelings,† â€Å"cheating, rule-bending, misleading people,† â€Å"exploitation of weakness and vulnerability,† â€Å"excessive profit,† â€Å"greed,† â€Å"resistance to reasonable investigation,† â€Å"recklessness or irresponsible secrecy and lack of transparency and use of authority, power, reputation,† â€Å"breaking confidentiality,† â€Å"lack of compassion and humanity,† and â€Å"unfairness. Several influences define personal Ethics, which include family influences, religious beliefs, culture affects, personal experiences, and internal reflection. Parents or guardians dictate one’s morality during the early years of an individual’s life. They bec ome the first to voice and demonstrate ethical boundaries. Religious beliefs become important by allowing a person to accept an established set of moral rules. By following these moral rules, an individual behave ethically with the promises of rewards in the afterlife as a motivation. Culture dictates the ethical norms simply because of the customs and traditions in the society surrounding him or her, and becomes ingrained in an individual’s psyche. Personal experiences shift one’s ethics, which become events that happen in an individual’s life. Emotional and personal experiences cause changes one’s beliefs. Internal reflection becomes developed by one’s inward feelings. When an individual Three does something that goes against one’s moral code, a feeling of guilt or shame results. When an individual does something that fits into one’s ethical idea of â€Å"right† he or she becomes proud or happy. Business ethics become what constitute a business to its employees, customers, the community, vendors doing business with them, and all business relationships. Although guidelines, basic laws, and rules became created to maintain a business, the codes of conduct enforce ethics, and make an organization successful. When values in the workplace become viewed as fair and just with a collective willingness to provide services and products in an ethical manner; trust and confidence becomes stronger. When management adheres to company ethics, it sends a strong message to employees and often set strong ethical standards for what the company stands for. The Madoff investment scandal that became the largest â€Å"Ponzi scheme† ever committed by an individual becomes an example of ethical and moral issues in business. Money laundering, securities fraud, perjury, mail fraud, wire fraud, and making false fillings with the SEC became the federal crimes that Bernard Madoff pleaded guilty. â€Å"He actually managed to fool 4,800 clients. None of this money was ever invested; it was simply deposited into his  business  account. The losses of his clients were almost $65 billion and now Madoff faces a lifelong sentence and up to $170 billion in restitution,† according to (Articles base, 2010). Four The Enron failure that caused thousands of people to lose their jobs and pensions because of unethical practices by management becomes a prime example of personal and business ethical problems. â€Å"The SEC has uncovered several instances of financial fraud committed by high-ranking executives at Enron, and many of the executives have been charged with wire fraud, money laundering, securities fraud, mail fraud, and conspiracy,† according to (Lawyer Shop, 2008). Appropriate business ethics become vitally important in businesses; both large and small. Several ethical issues may arise within an organization, but acquiring the right training, policies, procedures, and guidelines available and comprehensive to all employees, businesses will aid in a decreasing amount of ethical and moral issues in the workplace. Reference: Articlesbase. com, (2010), retrieved from http://www. articlesbase. com/law-articles/how-the-madoff-investment-scandal-was-uncovered-927189. html Lawyershop. com, (2008)  retrieved from http://www. lawyershop. com/practice-areas/criminal-law/white-collar-crimes/securities-fraud/lawsuits/enron Merriam-Webster, Incorporated,  (2010),  Merriam-Webster Dictionary,  retrieved